Searching for the Best Travel System – Part One.

I primarily use a Sony A7RII camera with native lens.  Fantastic resolution at 42mpix, and an all around camera that meets almost all of my needs.  The only thing really missing is that while the camera itself is reasonably small the lenses are not.  While I have used it to travel to other counties I always feel that the size and weight are an issue.  I am trying to find a system that will meet my travel needs but with less overall size and weight.  The trick is to do that with a system that is still versatile and that loses as little as possible in image quality.

As a first step to this process I took a look at three candidates, two from the world of m4/3 and one small 1.5 crop sensor camera.  I have provided statistics that include the use of a performace small zoom rather than the kit lens usually sold with each camera.

From an initial 50,000 foot view the Sony A6000 is the obvious choice  but that will take a little more investigation to determine it suitability.

Travel camera options (Data not yet available for OMD EM1-Mkii) (also not yet including 1” sensors) :

Olympus E-M1
16 megapixel (Mkii will be 20)
M4/3 Sensor rated at 73
Low Light Score rated at 757
24-80 2.8 lens (12-40 native)
879 grams

Panasonic GX-85 (aka GX-80)
16 megapixel
M4/3 Sensor rated at 71
Low Light Score rated at 662
24-70 2.8 lens (12-35 native)
731 grams

Sony A6000
24 megapixels
1.5 Sensor rated at 85
Low Light Score rated at 1437
24-106 4.0 (12-70 native)
652 grams

Size comparison from Compact Camera Meter and Senor ratings and Low Light Score from DXO.





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